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Director Vito Pompeo Pindozzi (International of Federation Journalists) and former Director of Scientific Services of GR-Rai, will host the ceremony and interview Dr. Mariagrazia Pizza.

Thursday April the fourth, 2024, 9.30 a.m., at Cineteatro Italia, Eboli, Mayor Mario Conte, will hand over “The Keys to the City of Eboli” to Eboli scientist Mariagrazia Pizza, a professional life dedicated to study and research at Imperial College London, from Eboli to Siena and London. Dr Pizza’s contribution to Science is a source of great pride for the City of Eboli and all its fellow countrymen, remembering along with her the many other young people from Eboli who, while loving their homeland, have been forced to work all over the world and have nevertheless distinguished themselves in all disciplines.

It is worth mentioning with particular interest that the researcher Dr. Mariagrazia Pizza, together with her colleague Dr. Rino Rappuoli and co-recipients Andrew Pollard and Sarah Gilbert, just last year, on April 25 , received in a special ceremony, the very prestigious IVI (International Vaccine Institute 2023) Award for their work on ‘reverse vaccinology’ and the development of the vaccine against Meningococcus B. It is precisely for her work as a researcher, that she and her team have  been awarded the prestigious recognition from the academic scientific world. Both for her achievements and  development of new vaccines that have saved millions of lives. Having had a real impact on communities all overt he world she will certainly continue to advance methods and innovations. Doctor Mariagrazia Pizzas, Professor of Microbiology at the Imperial College London since October 2023. Prior position was Senior Scientific Director Bacterial Vaccines at GSK.

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